The Artist Centre for Human Rights is an internationalist arts project that is both a cultural organisation and an evolving artwork. The Centre disseminates local cultural articulations of Human Rights through an international programme of artistic production. We partner with artists and educational practitioners; environmental, cultural and community organisations to create and commission new art works promoting Human Rights. The Artist Centre for Human Rights acknowledges the rights of humans to be based on a broader parity of esteem with the environment that we integrate ourselves with as communities in locations across the globe.
ACHR manifesto begins with a call for discussion, conversation, engagement with international artists and organisations that refract core practices in society such as architecture, environmentalism, social infrastructure, art itself, literature, community activism and feminism. We work towards new commonalities in language, new localisms in international dialogue, progressive values and equalities.
ACHR acknowledges the legacy and records the echoes of Artist Placement Group, the Irish Hedge Schools and Joseph Beuys’ Free International University as symptomatic of many attempts across the globe to concretise arts practice as central to social, cultural identity and reflection. We launch the ACHR in Liverpool as the city in which Roscoe first advocated anti-slavery laws and campaigns. Roger Casement and Edmund Morel took up this cause again in Liverpool by establishing the first internationalist human rights campaign in the twentieth century. We also acknowledge the energy and persistence of their multi-media approach to recruiting support and in educating people in the atrocities of the Congo Regime around the commodification of Rubber in Europe.
- We will hold Field Discussions and performance events immersed in the everyday in venues ranging from libraries, open air soup kitchens, markets, factories, offices, stations, to school rooms.
- We will produce pamphlets, posters, artist events and instillations.
- The Cassandra Echo is the journal of the ACHR; we commission new pieces that will disseminate human rights through arts practice.
- We will host artists in conversation and build an archive of dialogue between artists, arts practitioners and other professionals.
- We will produce public intervention posters of voices, questions, images that pause the language and actions of the everyday.
ACHR is an open programme run by artists and writers.